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[Department of Invertebrate Fauna and Systematics]

Selected publications of PhD Leonid SVETLICHNY


Svetlichny, L., Obertegger, U. 2022. Influence of temperature on swimming performance and respiration rate of the cold-water cyclopoid copepod Cyclops vicinus. Journal of Thermal Biology, 109, 103320.

Svetlichny, L., Strickler, J. R., Obertegger, U. 2022. Swimming and respiration in cyclopoid copepods Thermocyclops oithonoides and Oithona davisae and calanoid copepod Paracalanus parvus. Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological and integrative physiology, 337(8), 835–851.

Svetlichny, L., Lehtiniemi, M., Setala, O., Lehto, A.-M., Samchyshyna, L., Gromova, Y., Isinibilir-Okyar, M., Turkeri, E., Eryalcin, K.M., Can., K.G., Kideys, A.E. 2022. Oxygen consumption rates and respiratory carbon losses in three species of copepods (Acartia clausi, Calanus helgolandicus and Limnocalanus macrurus) during starvation. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 46(3), 249-260.

Svetlichny, L., Hubareva E., Uttieri M. 2021. Ecophysiological and behavioural responses to salinity and temperature stress in cyclopoid copepod Oithona davisae with comments on gender differences. Mediterranean Marine Science. 22(1), 89-101.

Svetlichny, L., Samchyshyna, L. 2021. A New Finding of the Non-Native Copepod Sinodiaptomus sarsi (Copepoda, Calanoida, Diaptomidae) in Ukraine. Zoodiversity, 55 (1): 1—8.

Svetlichny, L., Isinibilir, M., Mykitchak, T., Eryalc?n, K.M., Turkeri, E. E., Yuksel, E., Kideys, A.E. 2021. Microplastic consumption and physiological response in Acartia clausi and Centropages typicus: Possible roles of feeding mechanisms. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 43, 101650.

Isinibilir, M., Svetlichny, L., Mykitchak, T., Turkeri, E.E., Eryalc?n, K.M., Dogan, O., … Kideys, A.E. 2020. Microplastic consumption and its effect on respiration rate and motility of Calanus helgolandicus from the Marmara Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 1167.

Svetlichny, L., Larsen, P.S., Kiorboe, T. 2020. Kinematic and Dynamic Scaling of Copepod Swimming. Fluids, 5(2), 68.

Uttieri, M., Aguzzi, L., Aiese Cigliano, R. et al. 2020. WGEUROBUS – Working Group “Towards a EURopean OBservatory of the non-indigenous calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinUS”. Biological Invasions, 22, 885–906.

Svetlichny L., Hubareva E., Khanaychenko A., Uttieri M. 2019. Response to salinity and temperature changes in the alien Asian copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus introduced in the Black Sea. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 331:416–426.

Svetlichny L., Hubareva E., Isinibilir M. 2018. Temperature, salinity and oxygen concentration in life history traits of the Black Sea copepods. Trends in Copepod Studies – Distribution, Biology and Ecology. Eed. M. Uttieri. – New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., P.173 – 218.

Svetlichny L., Hubareva E., Isinibilir M. 2018. Population dynamics of the copepod invader Oithona davisae in the Black Sea. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 42:684-693.

Svetlichny L., Larsen P. S., Kiorboe T. 2018. Swim and fly: escape strategy in neustonic and planktonic copepods. Journal of Experimental Biology. 221, jeb167262, https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.167262.

Svetlichny L., Hubareva E. Isinibilir M. 2017. Comparative trends in respiration rates, sinking and swimming speeds of copepods Pseudocalanus elongatus and Acartia clausi with comments on cost of brooding strategy. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 488:24-31.

Svetlichny L., Hubareva E., Khanaychenko A., Gubanova A., Altukhov D., Besiktepe S. 2016. Adaptive strategy of thermophilic Oithona davisae in the cold Black Sea environment. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 16:77-90.

Isinibilir M., Svetlichny L., Hubareva E. 2016. Competitive advantage of the invasive copepod Oithona davisae over the indigenous copepod Oithona nana in the Marmara Sea and Golden Horn Estuary. Marine and Freshwater Behavior and Physiology. 49 (6):392-405.

Hubareva E., Svetlichny L. 2016. Copepods Oithona similis and Oithona davisae: Two strategies of ecological–physiological adaptation in the Black Sea. Oceanology, 56 (2):241-247.

Svetlichny L., Hubareva E. 2014. Salinity tolerance of alien copepods Acartia tonsa and Oithona davisae in the Black Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 461: 201-208.

Isinibilir M., Svetlichny L., Hubareva E. 2014. Interpopulation dynamics between Acartia clausi (Copepoda) and Noctiluca scintillans (Dinoflagellata) in the Bosphorus area of the Black and the Marmara Seas. Italian Journal of Zoology, 81 (3):451-456.

Gubanova, A., Altukhov, D., Stefanova, K., Arashkevich, E., Kamburska, L., Prusova, I., Svetlichny, L., Timofte, F., Uysal, Z. 2014. Species composition of Black Sea marine planktonic copepods. Journal of Marine Systems, 135: 44-52.

Svetlichny, L., Khanaychenko, A., Hubareva, E., Aganesova, L. 2012. Partitioning of respiratory energy and environmental tolerance in Calanipeda aquaedulcis and Arctodiaptomus salinus. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 114:199-207.

Svetlichny, L., Hubareva, E., Khanaychenko, A. 2012. Calanipeda aquaedulcis and Arctodiaptomus salinus: an exceptionally euryhaline osmoconformers as evident from mortality, oxygen consumption and mass density patterns. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 470:15 -29.

Isinibilir, M., Svetlichny, L., Hubareva, E., Yilmaz, I.N., Ustun, F., Belmonte, G., Toklu-Alicli, B. 2011. Adaptability and vulnerability of zooplankton species in the adjacent regions of the Black and Marmara Seas. Journal of Marine Systems, 84:18-27.

Svetlichny L., Hubareva E. 2011. Productivity characteristics of Calanus euxinus as an important component of feeding base of the Black Sea planktivorous fish. Biological resources of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov // Eds. V.N. Eremeev, A.V. Gaevskaya, G.E. Shulman, Ju. A. Zagorodnyaya; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas NAS of Ukraine. – Sevastopol: EKOSI-Gidrofisika, 283-293 (In Russian).

Svetlichny, L., Hubareva, E., Belmonte, G., Isinibilir, M., Ustun, F., Yilmaz, I. N., Toklu-Alycly, B. 2010. Vulnerability of copepod eggs in salinity and temperature gradients of the Marmara and Black Seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 419:109-120.

Svetlichny, L., Hubareva, E., Isinibilir, M., Kideys, A., Belmonte, G., Giangrande E. 2010. Salinity tolerance of Calanus euxinus in the Black and Marmara Seas. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 404:127-138.

Svetlichny, L., Hubareva, E. 2009. Energy allocation and development patterns in Calanus euxinus (Copepoda). In: Trophic Relationships and Food Supply of Heterotrophic Animals in the Pelagic Ecosystem of the Black Sea. Istanbul, Turkey: 36-98.

Svetlichny, L., Yuneva, T., Hubareva, E., Schepkina, A., Besiktepe, S., Kideys, A., Bat, L., Sahin, F. 2009. Development of Calanus euxinus during spring cold homothermy in the Black Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 374:199-213.

Isinibilir, M., Svetlichny, L., Hubareva, E.., Ustun, F., Yilmaz, I. N., Kideys, A.E., Bat, L. 2009. Population dynamics and morphological variability of Calanus euxinus in the Black and Marmara Seas. Italian Journal of Zoology, 76(4):403-414.

Hubareva, E., Svetlichny, L., Kideys, A., Isinibilir M. 2008. Fate of the Black Sea Acartia clausi and A. tonsa (Copepoda) penetrating into the Marmara Sea through the Bosphorus. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 76:131-140.

Svetlichny L.S., Kideys A., Hubareva E., Besiktepe S., Isinibilir M. 2006. Development and lipid storage in Calanus euxinus from the Black and Marmara Seas: Variabilities due to habitat conditions. Journal of Marine Systems, 59:52-62.

Svetlichny, L.S., Hubareva, E.S., Kideys, A.E., Isinibilir M., Shmeleva, A. 2006. Zooplankton community state in the Northeastern Marmara Sea during early autumn with comments on mass mortality of the Black Sea species due to the salinity gradient. Journal of the Black Sea - Mediterranean Environment, 12:213-231.

Svetlichny L.S., Hubareva E.S. 2005. The energetics of Calanus euxinus: locomotion, filtration of food and specific dynamic action. Journal of Plankton Research, 7:671-682.

Besiktepe, S., L. Svetlichny, T. Yuneva, Z. Romanova and G. Shulman. 2005. Diurnal gut pigment rhythm and metabolic rate of Calanus euxinus in the Black Sea. Marine Biology, 146, 6:1189-1198.

Svetlichny L.S., G. I. Abolmasova, E. S. Hubareva, G. A. Finenko, L. Bat and A. E. Kideys. 2004. Respiration rates of Beroe ovata in the Black Sea. Marine Biology, 145, 3:585-593.

Finenko, G.A., Z.A. Romanova, G.I. Abolmasova, B.E. Anninsky, L.S. Svetlichny, E.S. Hubareva, L. Bat and A.E. Kideys. 2003. Population dynamics, ingestion, growth and reproduction rates of the invader Beroe ovata and its impact on plankton community in Sevastopol Bay, the Black Sea. Journal of Plankton Research, 25:539-549.

Svetlichny, L.S., Hubareva E. S. 2002. The effect of oxygen concentration on metabolism and locomotory activity of Moina micrura (Cladocera) cultured under hypo- and normoxia. Marine Biology, 141:145-151.

Svetlichny, L.S., E.S. Gubareva & E.G. Arashkevitch. 2002. Effect of oxygen concentration on energy metabolism in the migrating and diapausing copepods Calanus euxinus in the Black Sea. Oceanology, 42,5:702-708.

Svetlichny, L.S., Hubareva, E. S., Erkan, F., Gucu, A. G. 2000. Physiological and behavioral aspects of Calanus euxinus females (Copepoda, Calanoida) during vertical migration. Marine Biology, 137: 963-971.

Yuneva, T.V, L.S. Svetlichny, O.A. Yunev, Z.A. Romanova, A.E. Kideys, F. Bingel, Z. Uysal, A. Yilmaz and G.E. Shulman. 1999. Nutritional condition of female Calanus euxinus from cyclonic and anticyclonic regions of the Black Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 189:195-204.

Arashkevich, E.G., L. Svetlichny, E. Gubareva, S. Besiktepe, S.C. Gucu and A.E. Kideys. 1998. Physiological and ecological studies of Calanus euxinus (Hulsemann) from the Black Sea with comments on its life cycle. NATO Science Series Partnership Sub-series 2 Environmental Security, 1: 351-365.

Svetlichny, L.S., Hubareva, E. S., Arashkevich, E. G. 1998. Physiological and behavioural response to hypoxia in active and diapausing copepodites Stage V Calanus euxinus. Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues Advanc. Limnol., 52:507-519.

Svetlichny, L.S. 1996. Locomotion efficiency and maximum values of energy exchange in copepods. Hydrobiological Journal, 32: 57-66 (in Russian).

Svetlichny, L. S, Yuneva, T. V., Shulman, G. E., Houseman, J. A. 1994. Utilization of proteins in energy metabolism of cladocera Moina micrura at different oxygen content in water. Dokl Akad Nauk 337, 3: 428-430 (in Russian).

Svetlichny, L.S. 1993. Locomotor function of mouth appendages in copepods: its kinematics. Ekologia Moria, 44:84-91 (in Russian).

Svetlichny, L.S. 1993. Locomotor function of mouth appendages in copepods: hydromechanical and energetic similarity. Ekologia Moria, 44:91-99 (in Russian).

Svetlichny, L.S. 1992. Dependence of the specific respiration rate of copepods on mechanical energy of locomotion. Ekologiya Morya, 40:72-77 (in Russian).

Svetlichny, L.S. 1992. Concerning biohydrodynamics of the steady and unsteady locomotion of copepods. Ekologiya Morya, 40:84-89 (in Russian).

Svetlichny, L.S. 1991. Filming, tensometry and energy estimation of swimming by mouth appendages in Calanus helgolandicus (Crustacea, Copepoda). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 70, 3:23 - 29 (in Russian).

Svetlichny, L.S. and A.V. Umanskaya. 1991. The oxygen cost of Calanus helgolandicus locomotion. Okeanology, 31, 5:770-777 (Russian with English summary; translation in:Oceanology).

Svetlichny, L.S. 1989. Temperature influence on locomotor activity of Calanus helgolandicus. Okeanology, 29, 3:502-507. (Russian with English summary; translation in:Oceanology).

Svetlichny, L.S, and Yarkina, I..Ya. 1989. Locomotion rhythms in Calanus helgolandicus (Crustacea, Copepoda). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 68, 6:50-55 (in Russian).

Svetlichny, L.S. 1988. Morphology and functional parameters of body muscles of Calanus helgolandicus (Copepoda, Calanoida). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 67, 1: 23-30 (Russian with English summary).

Svetlichny, L.S. 1988. Correlation between locomotion parameters and body size at rush swimming in copepods. Zhurnal Obshchei Biol. 49, 3:401-408 (Russian with English summary).

Svetlichny, L.S. 1987. Speed, force and energy expenditure in the movement of copepods. Oceanology, Wash 27, 4:497-502 (Russian with English summary; translation in:Oceanology) .

Svetlichny, L.S. 1986. Escape reaction in the copepod Calanus helgolandicus. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 65, 4:506-515 (in Russian).

Svetlichny, L.S. and A.S. Svetlichny. 1986. Measurement of the locomotion characteristics of copepods attached to a dynamometer sensor. Okeanology, 26, 5:856-857. (Russian with English summary; translation in:Oceanology).

Svetlichny, L.S. 1983. Hydrodynamic resistance of motionless copepods during their passive sinking in the water. Okeanology, 23, 1:139-144 (in Russian).

Svetlichny L.S (1983) Calculation of the biomass of planktonic copepods using the coefficients of proportionality between volume and linear dimensions of the body. Ekologiya Morya, Kiev, 15:46–58 (in Russian with English summary).

Kurbatov, B.V. and Svetlichny, L.S. 1982. Kinematics and hydrodynamical resistance of Calanus helgolandicus (Claus) thoracic limbs. Ekologiya Morya, Kiev, 10:75-81 (In Russian with English summary).

Svetlichny, L.S., 1981. Body density of planktonic copepods. Ecology of planktonic organisms: Proceedings of Scientific and Technical Conference. – Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 12-24 (In Russian).

Stepanov, V.N. and L.S. Svetlichny. 1981. Research into the hydromechanical characteristics of planktonic copepods. Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 126pp. (In Russian).

Svetlichny, L.S. 1980. Some dynamic parameters of the passive submersion of tropical copepods. Ekologiya Morya, Kiev, 2:28-33 (Translation in Canadian translation of fisheries and aquatic science. 1983, 4934: 1-11).

Svetlichny, L.S. 1980. The distribution of net plankton in subtropical and subantarctic waters of the south-eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean // Ekologiya morya, Kiev, 4:25-29 (in Russian).

Svetlichnyi, L.S., Zagorodnyaya, Y.A., Stepanov, V.N. 1977. Bioenergetics of copepods Pseudocalanus elongatus during migration. Journal of Marine Biology (6): 41-49 (Russian with English summary; translation in: Soviet J. Mar. Biol., (1978) 3(6):430-436).



I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, 2004-2023